Featured Authors
worked as an applied mathematician in many science-related arenas. Active in her faith community, she writes about God’s relentless pursuit of humanity amidst their brokenness. She and her husband reside in the Pacific Northwest. Tangled Violets: A Novel of Redemption was her debut novel. Click here to read about Tangled Violets. Her newest novel is The Better Part of Worse: A Novel of Hope. Click here to read about it.
is a wife, mother, grandmother, and retired research scientist. She facilitates classes on the spiritual life at her local Catholic parish, enjoys gardening, and eating cinnamon rolls and chocolate whenever possible. She is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild. She has published three non-fiction books.
Click here to read about her three books.
writes books for her young grandchildren. An inveterate introvert, this is as close to a photo as she’s willing to provide. She enjoys writing stories for children, both neurotypical and neurodiverse, exploring the emotional ups and downs they encounter in their young lives. Click here to read about her first book.